Overzicht van het onderwerp

  • Lack of the ability of VET students to understand and read electric installation drawings, schedules and specifications present a major obstacle for successful learning of vocational subjects in the fields of electronics and requires a lot of teaching time for teachers to deal with this. Therefore, VET schools very often face the didactic challenge on how to ensure fast, effective and sustainable acquisition of this knowledge and skills, especially, when the traditional “classroom” teaching methods from the books are not so effective and attractive for the students.

    Here the orientation of teaching and learning to the  work practice and usage of digital solutions can create a real difference and provide a trustful measure to deal with this deficit of knowledge and skills. The VET teachers of Alytus VET centre successfully and effectively use the digital solutions for developing of skills needed to understand and read electric circuit drawings, schedules and technical specifications.  This course is based on their experience and didactic approaches and seeks to disseminate effective practice in the different contexts of training and learning. This approach can be effectively used both in the school-based and work-based learning environments.            


  • Problem to solve - Learning Situation

  • Overview of the scenario

  • Competencies covered by DigCompEdu

  • Curriculum Construct(s)

    According to Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001), the learning scenario applies to four areas

    -          Understanding: Understanding the needs of people in the sales department, especially in the digital part of their work

    -          Applying: Applying knowledge gained through theory to practice hospitality in real contexts (to create engaging posts and promotion campaigns on Instagram)

    -          Analysing: Analysing the needs of promoting the hotel and engaging or acquiring new guests through social media (Instagram). Analyzing the needs of the staff in the sales department to gain the proper knowledge and skills.

    -          Evaluating: Evaluating and reflecting on own performance in practice

  • Requirements

    To accomplish this scenario, it is necessary that students are already prepared from a theoretical point of view and that they possess adequate digital skills. In this way, specialist skills can be integrated into the overall process, and transversal skills can be developed, thanks to a scenario-based approach, collaborative work, and feedback from teachers and peer groups.

    The practical part to be produced should not be too complex so that the pedagogical focus does not shift from digital and transversal skills to practical ones.

    As for the trainers’ pre-requirements, we suggest implementing the activities suggested in this learning scenario for those who have already mastered basic digital skills in DigCompEdu, as referenced above.

    It is, therefore, essential to undertake, beforehand, the IDC-VET self-assessment tool to ensure consistency with this requirement.

  • Reading prepared electrical schemes and drawings

  • Independent redrawing and checking of wiring diagrams of the renewable energy units by using simulators

  • Preparation of a new electrical diagram for the electrical part of a real renewable energy installation according to the provided task

    Once the student has worked out how the circuit works in the simulator, he/she needs to build a real circuit by selecting real components, connecting them, checking the quality of the connections with a multimeter, and then, after connecting the power supply, checking that the circuit is working properly. When the circuit is not working properly, the student performs it‘s diagnostics.

  • Assessment of/for learning

    The student is assessed in this course on:

    - neatly describing the circuit diagram for the task;

    - creating the circuit in the simulator, checking it;

    - constructing and operating a real circuit.

    This scenario encourages analytical thinking, problem solving, communication and cooperation (students can consult with each other and solve the problems related to the tasks together).

    Below are: a task with a description of how it works (Figure 1), a simulation of a redrawn diagram (Figure 2) and a real-life assembled unit (Figure 3).


  • Our notes from practice

    This course helps to develop know-how and skills in reading and understanding the diagrams and schemes of electric circuits by referring to the concrete practical applications, what makes learning attractive for the VET students who prefer practical and "hands-on" learning. Learners have the possibility to apply their acquired knowledge and cognitive skills immediately and to get immediate feedback on the applicability of these learning outcomes. 


    Figure 1. Re-drawn and checked scheme (in the simulator)

    Figure 2.  Assembled functioning installation

  • Resources and more info