Topic outline
Target audience:
The scenario is intended for technical teachers working in product design and engineering processes.
Vocational Education and Training at EQF 5 is gaining special attention across Europe and beyond, thanks to its relevance for the labour market and consequent high rates of employability. A concrete example of qualification where to apply this learning scenario is Technician for innovation of metal production processes and products, and in general terms, those professional profiles related to Industry 4.0.
Specialised technicians undertaking this learning path combine highly specialised digital skills with strong metal sector expertise.
If you wish to share your experience in using this OER or you wish to suggest additional resources, please list them here by replying to this forum
According to Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001), the learning scenario applies to four areas
- Understanding: Understanding the needs of people in the sales department, especially in the digital part of their work
- Applying: Applying knowledge gained through theory to practice hospitality in real contexts (to create engaging posts and promotion campaigns on Instagram)
- Analysing: Analysing the needs of promoting the hotel and engaging or acquiring new guests through social media (Instagram). Analyzing the needs of the staff in the sales department to gain the proper knowledge and skills.
- Evaluating: Evaluating and reflecting on own performance in practice
When approaching this learning scenario, it is essential to consider pre-requirements both from the trainers’ side, in terms of digital skills, as well as from learners’ side, in terms of engineering background knowledge and skills, relevant for VET participants at EQF level 5.
As for the trainers’ pre-requirements, we suggest implementing the activities suggested in this learning scenario for those who have already mastered basic digital skills in the DigCompEdu as referenced above.
It is therefore essential to undertake, beforehand, the IDC-VET self-assessment tool, to ensure consistency with this requirement.
As outlined above, assessment is implemented at each phase above via different methods and approaches aimed at ensuring both validation of competencies, exploitation of digital tools and skills, engagement of learners and peer-learning.
Tutors are accompanied to exploit digital skills to implement assessment of learning via several methods and tools, including:
Evidenced-based evaluation
Advanced evaluation method (Rubric)
This learning scenario is proven to be very attractive to learners as it proposes multiple hands-on activities which are interconnected. We propose to alternate both groups as well as individual assignments and tasks to improve engagement and retention among learners, as well as to co-develop multiple skills, including the ability to work in teams.
The learning scenario is problem-based and should be focused on identifying and solving technical issues related to concrete products or goods which may appeal to participants.
The key dimension here is how a tutor may blend their own digital skills into their own teaching and assessment strategies.
Info specific to this learning scenario can be found on the web, via the following links:
- Reverse Engineering explained
- 3D scanning process
- CAD/CAE/CAM Youtube Channel Tutorials