Instagram Marketing
Overzicht van het onderwerp
Vocational Education and Training at EQF 5 is gaining special attention across Europe and beyond, thanks to its relevance for the labour market and, consequently, high employability rates. Specialized technicians combine digital skills with solid sector-specific expertise.
Target audience:
The scenario is intended for people working in the hospitality industry and mainly working back office at the Sales Department of a hotel/ resort. That is to say, stuff like the Sales Development Representative (SDR), the inside & outside sales representative, the Sales Manager, the Customer Success Manager (CSM), the Sales operation manager, the sales operation and regional sales manager, as well as the Director, Vice President Manager, and the Chief Sales Officer (CSO).
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According to Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001), the learning scenario applies to four areas
- Understanding: Understanding the needs of people in the sales department, especially in the digital part of their work
- Applying: Applying knowledge gained through theory to practice hospitality in real contexts (to create engaging posts and promotion campaigns on Instagram)
- Analysing: Analysing the needs of promoting the hotel and engaging or acquiring new guests through social media (Instagram). Analyzing the needs of the staff in the sales department to gain the proper knowledge and skills.
- Evaluating: Evaluating and reflecting on own performance in practice
To accomplish this scenario, it is necessary that students are already prepared from a theoretical point of view and that they possess adequate digital skills. In this way, specialist skills can be integrated into the overall process, and transversal skills can be developed, thanks to a scenario-based approach, collaborative work, and feedback from teachers and peer groups.
The practical part to be produced should not be too complex so that the pedagogical focus does not shift from digital and transversal skills to practical ones.
As for the trainers’ pre-requirements, we suggest implementing the activities suggested in this learning scenario for those who have already mastered basic digital skills in DigCompEdu, as referenced above.
It is, therefore, essential to undertake, beforehand, the IDC-VET self-assessment tool to ensure consistency with this requirement.
As outlined above, assessment is implemented at each phase above via different methods and approaches aimed at ensuring both validations of competencies, exploitation of digital tools and skills, engagement of learners, and peer-learning.
Tutors are accompanied to exploit digital skills to implement assessment of learning via several methods and tools, including:
● Evidenced-based evaluation
● Peer-review
● Checklist
● Spreadsheets & Slides on Google Drive
● Jamboard on Google for fiving feedback and peer -review
This learning scenario is proven to be very attractive to learners as it proposes multiple hands-on activities which are interconnected. We propose to alternate both groups as well as individual assignments and tasks to improve engagement and retention among learners, as well as to co-develop multiple skills, including the ability to work in teams.
The learning scenario is scenario-based and should be focused on presenting and promoting the main product related to concrete techniques which may appeal to participants.
The key dimension here is how a tutor may blend his/her own digital skills into his/her own teaching and assessment strategies.
In this scenario, we handle with internet and shared sensitive personal data. For this reason, trainers ought to comply with the GDPR policies. In order to do this though, trainers should prepare a consent form in advance and distribute it to their students, and students should sign this form; In this way, they agree with the terms and policies of the courses and are aware that their tutors and peers may make use of their personal data for teaching purposes
- Harris, G., Stone, K. B., Mayeshiba, T., Componation, P. J., & Farrington, P. A. (2014). Transitioning from Teaching Lean Tools To Teaching Lean Transformation. Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 4(3), 191–204.