Social Work Apprentices in the UK
Social Work Apprenticeships in the UK are divided between a work placement which forms half of social work courses and academic learning focusing on legislation, ethics and theory.
The standards say that within the context of relevant Social Work legislation, you will use your professional judgement and build relationships with a variety of individuals and communities, as well as with a wide range of other professionals and agencies. In your role you will assess, plan, implement and evaluate complex situations. This requires an ability to critically reflect and make decisions within a clear professional code of ethics.
Throughout your career, you will be responsible for ensuring your continuing professional development and will be expected to demonstrate leadership whatever your role. All Social Workers must register with the professional regulator and adhere to their professional standards.
Other required outcomes are to
- commit to continuous learning within social work, with curiosity and critical reflection
- keep your skills, knowledge and ongoing professional development up to date
- know how to update knowledge to ensure evidence informed practice
- develop support networks, groups and communities to meet needs and outcomes
In addition, as in other social work occupations, there is an increasing emphasis on the use of technology.
Social work apprentices are required to
- use technology to manage your work
- use technology to communicate appropriately
- maintain individuals’ information security and protect data
- advise people on how to use assistive technology
- promote the use of technology to achieve better outcomes
Personal Learning Environments can support apprentices in metacognition and reflection on learning and provides tools and a framework for ongoing professional development