In this learning scenario we propose a set of interrelated activities aimed at, from one side, developing advanced technical and professional competencies, namely applied reverse engineering for machining and metalworking, and from another side, based on DigCompEdu, fostering key digital skills, among trainers and learners.

The differences in the scenario between the 3rd and 4th EQF levels are only based on the characteristics of the technical workflow: the activities proposed for the 3rd EQF level are more practical while those proposed for the 4th level give more space to planning and analysis; but there are no differences from the point of view of the digital competences that will be developed.

IDC Self-Assessment Tool

As a trainer who wishes to develop digital skills for education, we invite you, before integrating this learning scenario in your own teaching practices, to undertake the IDC-VET Self-Assessment tool, which may help you to map your own strengths and weaknesses.

Our ambition is that, once implemented this learning scenario and re-assessed your digital skills with our self-assessment tool, you will be able to observe improvements on the following DigCompEdu dimensions and competencies.

Laatste wijziging: donderdag, 17 november 2022, 14:54