Target level of Digital Skills according to DigCompEdu progression levels

Professional engagement

1.1 Organisational communication, B1

To use digital technologies to engage in collaboration with other educators, sharing and exchanging knowledge and experience, and collaboratively innovating pedagogic practices.

  • I use different digital communication channels and tools depending on the content (formative or informative) and the context of usage, for communication with students, colleagues in my institution, companies, and also to the school staff.

1.3 reflective practice, B1

To individually and collectively reflect on, critically assess and actively develop one’s own digital pedagogical practice and that of one’s educational community.

  • I experiment with new pedagogical approaches, enabled by digital technologies.

Digital resources

2.2 creating & modifying, B2

To modify and build on existing openly-licensed resources and other resources where this is permitted. To create or cocreate new digital educational resources. To consider the specific learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group, when designing digital resources and planning their use.

  • When I adapt digital resources, I integrate in practical exercises, such simulations, case studies from companies and examples from work-based environments, according to the level and learning outcomes of VET learners.

2.3 managing protecting and sharing - B1

To organise digital content and make it available to learners, parents and other educators. To effectively protect sensitive digital content. To respect and correctly apply privacy and copyright rules. To understand the use and creation of open licenses and open educational resources, including their proper attribution.

  • I share technical educational content in collaborative and virtual learning environments such as blogs, slideshare, through the online platform to VET.

Teaching and learning

3.3 collaborative learning - B2

To use digital technologies to foster and enhance learner collaboration. To enable learners to use digital technologies as part of collaborative assignments, as a means of enhancing communication, collaboration and collaborative knowledge creation.

  • I can use online (Internet) learning environments to support collaborative learning of the VET students in the classrooms.


4.2 analysing evidence, - B1

To generate, select, critically analyse and interpret digital evidence on learner activity, performance and progress, in order to inform teaching and learning.

  • I’m using data from different digital sources in order to monitor progress and provide feedback and assistance to my VET learners

4.3 feedback & planning - A2

To use digital technologies to provide targeted and timely feedback to learners. To adapt teaching strategies and to provide targeted support, based on the evidence generated by the digital technologies used. To enable learners and parents to understand the evidence provided by digital technologies and use it for decision-making.

  • I know how to provide detailed feedback to my VET students by using digital tools

Empowering learners

5.3 actively engaging learners - B1

To use digital technologies to foster learners’ active and creative engagement with a subject matter. To use digital technologies within pedagogic strategies that foster learners’ transversal skills, deep thinking and creative expression.

To open up learning to new, real-world contexts, which involve learners themselves in hands-on activities, scientific investigation or complex problem solving, or in other ways increase learners’ active involvement in complex subject matters.

  • I can provide the guidance and support for the VET students and apprentices in fostering their active use of digital technologies in the classrooms and practical training environments.

Facilitating learners’ digital competencies

6.3 content creation - B1

To incorporate learning activities, assignments and assessments which require learners to express themselves through digital means, and to modify and create digital content in different formats. To teach learners how copyright and licenses apply to digital content, how to reference sources and attribute licenses.

  • I implement learning activities in which learners use digital technologies to produce digital content, e.g. in the form of text, photos, other images, videos, etc.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2022, 2:58 PM