Effective implementation of personalized learning
Conditions d'achèvement
A general core curriculum and instruction program is unlikely to cater for the needs of all students, no matter the high-quality it has. Despite addressing the needs of the majority of students, many students remain disappointed with either being forced to move forward or left behind the average group (Raudys, 2021). Therefore, concerns have been voiced that one-size-fits-all is no longer compatible with 21st century inclusive education models, such as Competency-based Education (CBE), Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). While 21st century education models share a common goal of helping every student to succeed, it is clear general instruction has fallen short to achieve that goal. Fortunately, an increasing number of school systems have recently shifted to inclusive education and personalized learning, the essential strategy to implement inclusive education programs (Shawer, 2022a).
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